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Colecţii/CoE - F.8 Mass media si internet

Colecţia CoE (A-M)


F.8/2019 FR  342.7/F-88   IV-61570      Freedom of Expression in 2018 : Report prepared by the Information Society Department = Libertatea de exprimare în anul 2018 : Raport elaborate de Departamentul Societății Informaționale ─ Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2019. - 22 p.

F.8/2019 RE   004.8/R-45   IV-61573    Responsibility and AI : A study of the implications of advanced digital technologies (including AI systems) for the concept of responsability withing a human rights framework : Summary and Conclusions / Rapporteur : Karen Yeung ; prepared by the Expert Committee on human rights dimensions of automated data processing and different forms of artificial intelligence (MSI-AUT) = Responsabilitate şi IA : Studiu al implicațiilor tehnologiilor digitale avansate (incluzând sistemele de IA) pentru conceptul de responsabilitate în cadrul drepturilor omului : Rezumat și concluzii / Raportor: Karen Yeung. Raport pregătit de Comitetul de experți privind dimensiunile drepturilor omului în procesarea automatizată a datelor și diferite forme de inteligență artificială (MSI-AUT). ─ Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2019.-16 p.

F.8/2019 RE   004.8/R-45   IV-61575   Responsabilité et IA - Étude sur les incidences des technologies numériques avancées (dont l'intelligence artificielle) sur la notion de responsabilité, sous l'angle des droits humains : Résumé et conclusion / rapporteuse : Karen Yeung ; préparée par le Comité d'experts sur les dimensions des droits de l'homme dans le traitement automatisé des données et les différentes formes d'intelligence artificielle (MSI AUT) = Responsabilitate şi IA / Raport pregătit de Comitetul de experți privind dimensiunile drepturilor omului în procesarea automatizată a datelor și diferite forme de inteligență artificială (MSI-AUT). Raportor: Karen Yeung. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 2019.- 16 p.
Detalii : http://cpescmdlib.blogspot.com/2020/01/coe-e-publicatii-recente.html
Disponibil:  https://rm.coe.int/responsability-and-ai-fr/168097d9c6

F.8/2019 UN   004.8 U-50   III-136837      Unboxing Artificial Intelligence: 10 steps to protect Human Rights by the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights = Despachetarea Inteligenței artificiale: 10 pași privind protejarea drepturilor omului. Recomandare / Comisarul pentru Drepturile Omului .─ Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2019. - 29 p.
Disponibil: https://rm.coe.int/unboxing-artificial-intelligence-10-steps-to-protect-human-rights-reco/1680946e64

F.8/2018 AD   342.7/A-20   IV-61569    Addressing hate speech in the media : the role of regulatory authorities and the judiciary / International Conference "Addressing hate speech in the media : the role of regulatory authorities and the judiciary" : Zagreb, Croatia, 6-7 November 2018. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing , 2018 .-34 p.
Disponibil : https://rm.coe.int/zagreb-2018-hate-speech-conference-draft-programme-web/16808d8914

F.8/2018 DI        004.8/Z-90  II-720566    ZUIDERVEEN BORGESIUS, Frederik.   Discrimination, artificial intelligence, and algorithmic decision-making = Discriminarea, Inteligența Artificială și luarea deciziilor algoritmice.─ : Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2018 .-89 p.
Disponibil : https://rm.coe.int/discrimination-artificial-intelligence-and-algorithmic-decision-making/1680925d73

F.8/2018 ET  324 E-89 IV-59003       Internet et campagnes electorales: Étude relative à l’utilisation d’internet dans le cadre des campagnes électorales [Text tipărit] / Conseil de l’Europe, DGI(2017)11; Comité d’Experts sur le pluralisme des médias et la transparence de leur propriété (MSI-MED) ; rapporteur : Damian Tambini . ─ Strasbourg : Conseil de l'Europe, 2018. - 25 p.

F.8/2018 IN   004.7/I-69   IV-61571   Internet and Electoral Campaigns: Study on the use of internet in electoral campaigns : Council of Europe study DGI(2017)11 / rapporteur : Damian Tambini ; prepared by the committee of experts on media pluralism and transparency of media ownership (MSI-MED) = Internetul și campaniile electorale - Studiu privind utilizarea internetului în campaniile electorale. ─ Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2018- 30p.

F.8/2018 LI   342.7/L-75   III-136843   Linii directoare privind respectarea, protecția și realizarea drepturilor copilului în mediul digital : Recomandarea CM/Rec(2018)7 ale Comitetului de Miniștri / cuv. înainte : Snežana Samardžić-Marković ; ed. : Consiliul Europei . ─ Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2018 .-32 p.

F.8/2018 ME   659.3/M-46   IV-61572    Media, elections and gender - Study on media coverage of elections with a specific focus on gender equality ; Council of Europe study - DGI(2017)10 / rapporteurs : Pamela Morinière, Maja Zarić and Pierre-François Docquir ; prepared by committee of experts on media pluralism and transparency of media ownership (MSI-MED) = Mass-media, alegerile și egalitatea de gen: Studiu privind acoperirea mass-mediei a alegerilor, cu un accent specific pe egalitatea de gen / Comitetul de experți privind pluralismul mass-media și transparența instituției media (MSI-MED) .- Strasbourg, 2017. - 29 p.
Detalii : https://cpescmdlib.blogspot.com/2020/12/achizitii-recente-publicatii-coe_28.html
Disponibil : https://rm.coe.int/gender-equality-and-elections-/16807c0e23

F8/2018 ET   324 / E-89    IV-59003      Étude relative à l’utilisation d’internet dans le cadre des campagnes électorales  / Conseil de l’Europe, DGI(2017)11; Comité d’Experts sur le pluralisme des médias et la transparence de leur propriété (MSI-MED) ; rapporteur : Damian Tambini . ─ Strasbourg : Conseil de l'Europe, 2018. - 25 p.

F.8/2017 DI   004.7/D-56   III-136841    Digital citizenship... and your child - What every parent needs to know and do = Cetățenia digitală ... şi copilul dvs. - Ceea ce fiecare părinte trebuie să cunoască şi să facă / Consiliul Europei. – Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2019. - 16 p.
Disponibil la: https://edoc.coe.int/fr/education-la-citoyennet-dmocratique/7865-digital-citizenship-and-your-child-what-every-parent-needs-to-know-and-do.html

F.8/2016 CH    342.7 N-60    IV-62488       Nielsen, Rasmus KleisChallenges and opportunities for news media and journalism in an increasingly digital, mobile, and social media environment : Council of Europe report DGI (2016) 18 / Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Alessio Cornia, Antonis Kalegeropoulos = Provocări și oportunități pentru mass-media și jurnalism într-un mediu din ce în ce mai digital, mobil și social : Raportul Consiliului Europei .- Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2016. – 39 p.
Disponibil : https://edoc.coe.int/en/media/7288-pdf-challenges-and-opportunities-for-news-media-and-journalism-in-an-increasingly-digital-mobile-and-social-media-environment.html

F.8/2016 EC   323.1/E-20     II-720567       ECRI General Policy Recommendation No. 15 : On Combating hate speech - On Combating hate speech : Adopted on 8 December 2015 = Recomandarea de politică generală ECRI Nr.15 privind combatarea discursului de ură : Adoptată la data de 8 Decembrie 2015:.─ Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2016 .-155 p.
Disponibil : https://rm.coe.int/ecri-general-policy-recommendation-no-15-on-combating-hate-speech/16808b5b01

F.8/2016 PR   004.7/P-93   II-720558      Protecting and promoting the right to freedom of expression and the right to private life with regard to network neutrality : Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)1 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 13 January 2016 / Council of Europe = Recomandarea CM/Rec (2016)1 privind protecția și promovarea dreptului la libertatea de exprimare și a dreptului la viața privată în legătură cu neutralitatea rețelei . ─ Strasbourg, 2016 .- 9 p.
Disponibil : https://search.coe.int/cm/Pages/result_details.aspx?ObjectID=09000016805c1e5

F.8/2016 IN  342.7/I-69 II-720550   Internet freedom. Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)5 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 13 April 2016 / Council of Europe = Libertatea internetului. Recomandarea CM/Rec(2016)5 a Comitetului de Miniştri a Consiliului Europei de la 13 Aprilie 2016 / Consiliul Europei .─ Strasbourg, 2016 .-16 p

The Council of Europe at the Internet Governance Forum (5-9 November 2012 Baku, Azerbaijan)

34th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (23-24 October 2012, Punta del Este, Uruguay)

La 34ème Conférence des commissaires à la protection des données personnelles et à la vie privée : 23 et 24 octobre 2012, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Conference:"Our Internet - Our Rights, Our Freedoms": Towards the Council of Europe Strategy on Internet Governance 2012 – 2015 (Vienna, 24 and 25 November 2011)

A new notion of media?: Political declaration and resolutions /1st Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and New Communication Services (28 and 29 May 2009, Reykjavik, Iceland). – Reykjavik, 29 May 2009. – 12 p. - MCM(2009)011

Une nouvelle conception des médias ?: Déclaration politique et résolutions / 1re Conférence du Conseil de l’Europe des ministres responsables des médias et des nouveaux services de communication ((28 et 29 mai 2009, Reykjavik, Islande). - Reykjavik, le 29 mai 2009. – 12 p. - MCM(2009)011.

European Ministerial Conferences on Mass Media Policy: Texts Adopted / Media Division; Directorate General of Human Rights. - Strasbourg, 2006. – 86 p. - DH-MM (2006) 4

Conférences ministérielles européennes sur la politique des communications de masse : Textes adoptés / Division Media ; Direction Générale des Droits de l'Homme. - Strasbourg, 2006. – 91 p. – DH-MM (2006) 4

Integration and diversity: the new frontiers of European media and communications policy: Adopted texts / 7th European Ministerial Conference on Mass Media Policy (Kyiv (Ukraine), 10-11 March 2005). – 13 p. - MCM(2005)005

Intégration et diversité: les nouvelles frontières de la politique européenne des médias et des communications : Textes adoptés / 7e Conférence ministérielle européenne sur la politique des communications de masse (Kyiv (Ukraine), 10-11 mars 2005 ). – 14 p. - MCM(2005)005.

A media policy for tomorrow: Historical document on the activities andachievements of the CDMM: Fifty years of media policy in the Council of Europe - a review / 6th European Ministerial Conference on Mass Media Policy (Cracow (Poland), 15-16 June 2000). - MCM(2000)003.

A media policy for tomorrow: Adopted texts / 6th European Ministerial Conference on Mass Media Policy (Cracow (Poland), 15-16 June 2000). - MCM(2000)010.

Une politique de la communication pour demain : Textes adoptés / 6e Conférence ministérielle européenne sur la politique des communications de masse (Cracovie (Pologne), 15-16 juin 2000 ). - MCM(2000)010.

Une politique de la communication pour demain : Document historique surles activités et réalisations du CDMM : Cinquante ans d'activités dans le domaine des médias au Conseil de l'Europe – un bilan / 6e Conférence ministérielle européenne sur la politique des communications de masse (Cracovie (Pologne), 15-16 juin 2000 ). - MCM(2000)003.
Disponibil : https://search.coe.int/cm/Pages/result_details.aspx?ObjectId=09000016806415fa

F.8/94 ME The media in a democratic society : political declaration, resolutions and statement / European ministerial conference on Mass media policy. – 1994. – 17 p. - MCM(94)20. нет на полке

F.8/94 ME Les media dans une société démocratique : déclaration politique, résolutions et communication / Conference ministerielle europeenne sur la politique des communications de masse. – 1994. – 18 p. - MCM(94)20.

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