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Colecția CoE (A-M)



State of democracy, human rights and rule of law: A security imperative for Europe: Report by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2016. - 104 p.. Prezentare în română
Situation de la démocratie, des droits de l'homme et de l'Etat de droit: Un impératif pour la sécurité de l’Europe: Rapport établi par le Secrétaire Général du Conseil de l’Europe. - Strasbourg: Conseil de l’Europe, 2016. - 112 p. 
State of democracy, human rights and rule of law in Europa: A shared responsibility for democratic security in Europe Report by the Secretary general of the Council of Europe: An analysis of democracy, human rights ans the rule of law in Europe, based on the findings of the Council of Europe monitoring mechanisms and bodies / Thorbjørn Jagland; 125th Session of the Committee of Ministers. - Bruxelles, 19 May 2015. - 92 p. Prezentare în română

A.0/2022 CO 341.1 / S-85 I-1291650   STILTON, Geronimo Benvenuti al Consiglio d'Europa! / Geronimo Stilton . ─ Milano : Piemme, 2022. - 48 p.
Detalii :   http://cpescmdlib.blogspot.com/2023/01/achizitii-recente-bun-venit-la.html
Disponibil : https://rm.coe.int/geronimo-stilton-benvenuti-al-consiglio-d-europe/1680a63cd4

A0/2021/PRO   341.1 / P-93   IV-63724   Projet de Programme et Budget 2022-2025 du Conseil de L'Europe / [préf.] : Marija Pejčinović Burić ; Conseil de L'Europe . ─ [Strasbourg] : Conseil de l'Europe. Comité des Ministres, 2021. - 218 p.
Disponibil: https://rm.coe.int/0900001680a4d5dd

A0/Con/2020   327(478)/ C-85   IV-63730    Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova, 2021-2024 / document prepared by the Office of the Directorate General of Programmes ; Council of Europe . ─ Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publications, 2020. - 53 p.
Disponibil : https://rm.coe.int/action-plan-2021-2024-romanian/1680a3ff23
A.0/2014 ST  State of democracy, human rights and rule of law in Europa: Report by the Secretary general of the Council of Europe: An analysis of democracy, human rights ans the rule of law in Europe, based on the findings of the Council of Europe monitoring mechanisms and bodies / Thorbjørn Jagland; 124th Session of the Committee of Ministers. - Vienna, 5-6 May 2014. - 72 p.Rezumat (în română)

A.0/2011 RE Cozma, Artur. Republica Moldova - Consiliul Europei: parteneriat pentru democratizare (1990-2010) / Artur Cozma; red. şt.: Gheorghe Rusnac. - Ch.: Lumina, 2011. - 288 p. - ISBN 978-9975-65-267-4. 
327/C-86; III-119453 - Rezumat
A.0/2010 CO The Council of Europe: Unlimited Connections / Sophie Jeleff; Directorate of Communication of the Council of Europe. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2010. - 25 p.

A.0/2010 CO Le conseil de l'Europe: Connexions illimitées / Sophie Jeleff; Direction de la Communication du Conseil de l'Europe. - Strasbourg; Conseil de l'Europe, 2010. - 25 p.

A.0/2009 DE Descoperă universul unei Europe mari: Povestea unei aventuri / Sophie Jeleff; Consiliul Europei  - Chişinău, 2009. -  27 p.

A.0/2008 CO Consiliul Europei: 800 milioane de europeni. - Chişinău, 2008. - 124 p.

A.0/2007 CA  Benoit-Rohmer F., Klebes H. Cadrul juridic al Consiliului Europei: Spre un spaţiu juridic paneuropean. - Chisinau, 2007. - 270 p. - 978-9975-78-508-2

A.0/2006 MA    Ecobescu N. Manualul Consiliului Europei/ Biroul de Informare al Consiliului Europei .- Bucuresti, 2006.- 624 p.

A.0/2005 DR Benoit-Rohmer F., Klebes H. Le droit du Conseil de l'Europe: Vers un espace juridique paneuropéen.- Strasbourg, 2005. - 267 p.
A.0/2004 CO  Consiliul Europei : 800 milioane de europeni..- Chisinau, 2004.- 116 p.

A.0/2004 FA Pratchett L. Faire évoluer la démocratie en Europe: Résumé analitique de l'acquis du Conseil de l'Europe.- Strasbourg, 2004.- 119 p.

A.0/2004 DE   Pratchett L. Developing democracy in Europe : an analytical summary of the Council of Europe's acquis.- Strasbourg, 2004.- 109 p.

A.0/2003 CO  Consiliul Europei : 800 milioane de europeni..- Chisinau, 2003.- 116 p.

A.0/2002 DE Юбер  Д.  Десять лет, которые вошли в историю: Совет Европы: 1989-1999.- Москва : Международные отношения, 2003.- 352 с.
A.0/2001 CO   Le Conseil de l'Europe : 800 millions d'Europeens.-  Strasbourg, 2001- 11 2p.

A.0/2000 CO    Le Conseil de l'Europe presente aux jeunes, acteurs de l'Europe de demain Service Des Relations Publiques.-Strasbourg, 2000- 19p.
A.0/2001 EU. Europa este mai mult decât crezi / Consiliul Europei. - Strasbourg, 2009. - fişe

A.0/2001 EU O Europă de descoperit / Consiliul Europei. – Bucureşti, 1999. – 20p.

A.0/2001 DE Descoperind Europa / Consiliul Europei. – Chişinău, 2001. – 20 fişe

A.0/99 CO    Глотов С. А.    Cовет Европы как политико-правовой институт: Логические схемы и таблицы .- Краснодар : Советская Кубань, 1999.- 192с.
A.0/99 CO    The Council of Europe with Sue and Max .- Strasbourg , 1998 .- 17p.

A.0/99 CO    Council of Europe Speeches, 50 years for democracy, 1949-1999 [Nonmusic Sound Recording] = Conseil de l'Europe discours, La democratie en mouvement, 1949-1999 [Enregistrement sonore] ( eng fre ger spa cze pol ) 2 CDs (131 min.) : digital, audio + 1 booklet with biographies (35 p. : ill.)

A.0/98 CO    Construirea unei Europe mai mari fara linii de separare : raportul Comitetului Inteleptilor catre Comitetul Ministrilor .Document number CM(98)178 .- Strasbourg , 1998 .- 47p

A.0/99 CO Coleman J. The conscience of Europe. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1999. - 211p. - 92-871-4030-8.

A.0/99 DE    Huber D. A decade which made history : Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1999 .-286 p.   
A.0/99 DE    Huber D. Une decennie pour l'histoire : le Conseil de l'Europe (1989-1999) : Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1999 .- 314 p.

A.0/99 EC    Ecrire les frontieres : le Pont de l'Europe = Grenzuberschreibung :  Die Europabrucke. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1999.- 183 p.

A.0/99 TR Polakiewicz, J.  Treaty-making in the Council of Europe.-  Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1999.- 219p.

A.0/98 CO    Construirea unei Europe mai mari fara linii de separare : raportul Comitetului Inteleptilor catre Comitetul Ministrilor .Document number CM(98)178 .- Strasbourg , 1998 .- 47p

A.0/97 JA    Jalons pour une histoire du Conseil de l'Europe : actes.- Berne, 1997.- 376 p.

A.0/97 RE    Relazioni internazionali : Scritti in onore di Giuseppe Vedovato: Vol.I : Testimonianze -- Vol.II : Contributi -- Vol.III : Contributi; Firenze, 1997. – 619; 613; 697p.
A.0/96 CO Burban, Jean-Louis. Le Conseil de l'Europe. - Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1996.- 128 p. .- (Series Title (Que sais-je ? ; n° 885)

 A.0/96 EU    The European emblem.- Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1998 .- 11p

A.0/96 SP    Speeches delivered at the inauguration of the Human Rights Building : Strasbourg, 29 June 1995 =Discours prononces lors de l'inauguration du Palais des Droits de l'Homme : Strasbourg, 29 juin 1995 .- Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1996.- 38p.

A.0/95 HU    The Human Rights Building = Le Palais des droits de l’Homme. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1996.- 16 p..

A.0/70 MA    Manuel du Conseil de l'Europe : structure, fonctionnement, realisations.-  Paris : Pedone, 1970 .- 407 p.


A1/2020/CO   342.7 / C-85   IV-63728      Council of Europe : Highlights 2019 : Human rights, democracy and the rule of law : Activity report / forew. : Daniel Höltgen ; Council of Europe . ─ Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publications, [2020]. - 82 p.
Disponibil: https://edoc.coe.int/en/annual-activity-report/8197-council-of-europe-highlights-2019.html

A1/2019/CO   342.7 / C-85   IV-63726   Council of Europe : Highlights 2018 : Human rights, democracy and the rule of law : Activity report / forew. : Thorbjørn Jagland ; ed. : Liliane Maury Pasquier [et al.] ; Council of Europe . ─ Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, [2019]/ . - 76 p.
Disponibil: https://edoc.coe.int/en/annual-activity-report/7973-pdf-council-of-europe-highlights-2018.html

A.1/2019 CO  342.7/C-85  IV-61587   Council of Europe : Highlights 2018. Human rights, democracy and the rule of law : Activity report / Council of Europe.─ Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2019 .-76 p.
Detalii : https://cpescmdlib.blogspot.com/2021/01/achizitii-noi-publicatii-recente-ale.html
Disponibil : https://edoc.coe.int/en/annual-activity-report/7973-pdf-council-of-europe-highlights-2018.html

A.1/2018 CO  342.7/C-85   IV-61590      Council of Europe : Highlights 2017. Human rights, democracy and the rule of law : Activity report / Council of Europe = Consiliul Europei - Repere 2017. Drepturile omului, democrația și statul de drept: Raport de activitate .─ Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2018 .-76 p.
Detalii : https://cpescmdlib.blogspot.com/2021/01/achizitii-noi-publicatii-recente-ale.html
Disponibil : https://edoc.coe.int/en/annual-activity-report/7631-pdf-council-of-europe-highlights-2017.html

A.1/2013 CO The Council of Europe, Highlights 2013 [electronic resource] : guardian of human rights, democracy and the rule of law: Activity report. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2014. - 62 p.

A.1/2013 CO Conseil de l'Europe,Points forts 2013 [ressource électronique] : gardien des droits de l'homme, de la démocratie et de l'Etat de droit: Rapport d'activite. - Strasbourg : Conseil de l'Europe, 2014 .- 62p

A.1/98 AC The Council of Europe: Activities and achievements. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1998. - 80 p.

A.1/98 OB    Objective 98 : the Council of Europe's intergovernmental programme of activities.- Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1998.- 92 p.

A.1/98 OB    Objectif 98 : le programme intergouvernemental d'activites du Conseil de l'Europe. -     Strasbourg : Conseil de l'Europe, 1998 .- 98 p.

A.1/96 OB    Objectif 1996 : le programme intergouvernemental d'activites du Conseil de l'Europe  .- Strasbourg : Conseil de l'Europe, 1996 .- 67p

A.1/95OB    Objective 1995 : the intergovernmental programme of the activities of the Council of Europe.- Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1995 .-  51p.

A.2  Anuar european

A.2    Annuaire europeen = European Yearbook.- The Hague ; Boston ; London : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers:  Vol. XXXVIII-LIV - (1990-2006)

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