(Publicaţiile pot fi consultate online sau în sala de lectură a Centrului Pro-European de servicii şi comunicare)
Consiliul Europei
- Convenţia pentru apărarea Drepturilor Omului şi a Libertăţilor fundamentale
- Charrier J-L., Chiriac A. Codul Convenţiei Europene a Drepturilor Omului. - Chişinău, 2008. - 722 p.
(poate fi consultată în sala de lectură) - GOMIEN Donna. Ghid (Vade-mecum) al Convenţiei Europene a Drepturilor Omului: (ediţia a 3-a). – Chisinau, 2006. – 190 p.
(poate fi consultată în sala de lectură)

- Renucci, Jean-François L'article 9 de la Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme : la liberté de pensée, de conscience et de religion. - Strasbourg : Conseil de l'Europe, 2004. - Dossiers sur les droits de l'homme ; n° 20
- Pettiti L-E. La Convention europeenne des droits de l'homme: Commentaire article par article: 2e edition. - Paris, 1999. - 1230 p.
(poate fi consultată în sala de lectură) - Harris Dj. Law of the European Convention on Human Rights. - S.l.,1995. - 753 p.(poate fi consultată în sala de lectură)
- Velu J., Ergec R. La Convention europeenne des droits de l'Homme. - S.l., 1990. - 1185 p.
(poate fi consultată în sala de lectură) - Malcolm D. Evans. Manuel sur le port de symboles religieux dans les lieux publics. - Strasbourg, 2009. - 144 p.
- Renata UITZ. La liberte de religion dans la jurisprudences constitutionnelles et conventionnelles internationales. - Strasbourg, 2008. - 194 p.
- Tudor PANTIRU. Combating all forms of discrimination based on religion: Report : Doc. 12788 / Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. - 10 November 2011. – 20 pag.
- Des dieux dans la ville: Le dialogue interculturel et interreligieux au niveau local. - Strasbourg, 2007. - 244 p.
- Sadurski W. Constitutional Courts in the Process of Articulating Constitutional Rights in the Post-Communist States of Central and Eastern Europe: Personal, Civil and Political Rights and Liberties. – S.l. – 2003. – 62 p.
- Jonathan Fox. Separation of Religion and State in Stable Christian Democracies: Fact or Myth? / Department of Political Studies; Bar Ilan University. – S.l., s.a. – 27 p.
- Édouard Laboulaye. La liberte religieuse : 3eme edition. – Paris, 1866. – 434 p.

Texte adoptate
- 25/11/2011 Recommendation 1987:Combating all forms of discrimination based on religion
- 25/11/2011 Resolution 1846: Combating all forms of discrimination based on religion
- 12/04/2011 Recommendation 1962: The religious dimension of intercultural dialogue
- 27/01/2011 Recommendation 1957: Violence against Christians in the Middle East and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 27/01/2010 Resolution 1704:Freedom of religion and other human rights for non-Muslim minorities in Turkey and for the Muslim minority in Thrace (Eastern Greece)
- 23/06/2010 Recommendation 1927: Islam, Islamism and Islamophobia in Europe and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 23/06/2010 Resolution 1743: Islam, Islamism and Islamophobia in Europe
- 15/04/2008 Recommendation 1831: European Muslim communities confronted with extremism and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 15/04/2008 Resolution 1605:European Muslim communities confronted with extremism
- 29/06/2007 Recommendation 1804: State, religion, secularity and human rights and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 29/06/2007 Recommendation 1805: Blasphemy, religious insults and hate speech against persons on grounds of their religion and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 28/06/2006 Resolution 1510:Freedom of expression and respect for religious beliefs
- 04/10/2005 Resolution 1464:Women and religion in Europe
- 04/10/2005 Recommendation 1720:Education and religion and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 28/01/2003 Recommendation 1590:Cultural co-operation between Europe and the south Mediterranean countries and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 28/01/2003 Resolution 1313: Cultural co-operation between Europe and the south Mediterranean countries
- 18/11/2002 Resolution 1309: Freedom of religion and religious minorities in France
- 24/04/2002 Recommendation 1556: Religion and change in central and eastern Europe and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 23/04/2002 Resolution 1278: Russia’s law on religion
- 22/06/1999 Recommendation 1412: Illegal activities of sects and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 27/01/1999 Recommendation 1396: Religion and democracy and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 29/05/1996 Resolution 1092: Discrimination against women in the field of sport and more particularly in the Olympic Games
- 02/02/1993 Recommendation 1202: Religion tolerance in a democratic society and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 02/02/1993 Recommendation 1202: Religion tolerance in a democratic society and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 05/02/1992 Recommendation 1178: Sects and new religious movements and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 06/10/1988 Recommendation 1086: Situation of the Church and freedom of religion in Eastern Europe and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 06/10/1988 Recommendation 1086: Situation of the Church and freedom of religion in Eastern Europe and Reply from the Committee of Ministers
- 03/05/1988 Resolution 898: Situation of the Jews in the Soviet Union
- 07/10/1982 Resolution 787: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion in Eastern Europe and the CSCE Madrid Review Conference
- 29/01/1982 Resolution 768: Persecution in Iran
- 25/04/1980 Resolution 730: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion in Eastern Europe
- 29/01/1976 Resolution 612: Situation in Northern Ireland
Texte adoptate
- CM/Rec(2008)12E / 10 December 2008: Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the dimension of religions and non-religious convictions within intercultural education (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 10 December 2008 at the 1044th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies)
- Freedom of religion: Cases before European Court of Human Rights: factsheet. – October 2011. – 9 p.
- Liberte de religion: Affaires devant la Cour europeenne des Droits de l'Homme: Fiche thematique. - octobre 2011. - 9 p.
Actualizat iunie 2014
> Citizenship and fundamental rights, religion and the EU
> Non-Discrimination, religion and the EU
> Immigration and Home Affairs, religion and the EU
> Social Inclusion, religion and the EU
> Education and Culture, religion and the EU
Guidelines on the implementation of Article 17 TFEU at the European Commission =Orientări privind punerea în aplicare de către Comisia Europeană a articolului 17 din Tratatului privind funcționarea Uniunii Europen(TFUE) . - Iulie 2013. - 2p.
Articolul 17 din TFUE
1. Uniunea respectă și nu aduce atingere statutului de care beneficiază, în temeiul dreptului național, bisericile și asociațiile sau comunitățile religioase din statele membre.
2. Uniunea respectă, de asemenea, statutul de care beneficiază, în temeiul dreptului național, organizațiile filosofice și neconfesionale.
3. Recunoscându-le identitatea și contribuția specifică, Uniunea menține un dialog deschis, transparent și constant cu aceste biserici și organizații.
Dialogue under Article 17: Dialogue with churches, religious associations or communities and philosophical and non-confessional organisations .

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Studiul dreptului la libertatea gîndirii, conştiinţei şi a religiei (Dreptul fundamental la libertatea religiei) în
Republica Moldova: Raport / Centrul de Informare în domeniul Drepturilor
Omului; Coaliţia Nediscriminare; Consiliul Naţional al Tineretului din
Moldova. - Chişinău, 2012. - 39 p.
261.7(4)/D-17. DAMIAN, Sorin-Dan. Libertatea religioasă în Uniunea Europeană. Cadrul legislativ / Sorin Dan Damian . ─ Bucureşti : Ars Docendi, 2012. - 220 p.: Bibliogr.: p.198-220. - ISBN: 978-973-558-631-7
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