Recent Centrul Pro-European de Servicii şi Comunicare al BNRM şi-a îmbogăţit colecţia cu o donaţie de publicaţii din partea Agenţiei pentru Drepturi Fundamentale a Uniunii Europene (FRA). Cele peste 60 de exemplare în limbile engleză, franceză şi romănă acoperă subiecte importante ce ţin de protecţia drepturilor fundamentale ale omului, cum ar fi accesul la justiţie, protecţia datelor cu caracter personal, interzicerea discriminării, migraţia şi azilul, protecţia romilor, drepturile persoanelor cu dizabilităţi. Publicaţiile pot fi consultate în Sala de lectură a CPESC sau consultate online de pe această pagină.
Obiectivul Agenţiei pentru Drepturi Fundamentale a Uniunii Europene (FRA) este să le
furnizeze instituţiilor şi autorităţilor competente ale Comunităţii
Europene şi ale statelor sale membre asistenţă şi expertiză în materie
de drepturi fundamentale atunci când acestea pun în aplicare dreptul
comunitar, precum şi să le sprijine în luarea de măsuri şi să formuleze
direcţii de acţiune corespunzătoare.
Agenţia are următoarele sarcini principale:
- să colecteze, să analizeze şi să difuzeze informaţii obiective, fiabile şi comparabile cu privire la situaţia drepturilor fundamentale în UE
- să îmbunătăţească comparabilitatea şi fiabilitatea datelor prin noi metode şi standarde
- să realizeze şi/sau să promoveze cercetările şi studiile în domeniul drepturilor fundamentale
- să formuleze şi să publice concluzii şi avize pe teme specifice, din proprie iniţiativă sau la cererea Parlamentului European, a Consiliului sau a Comisiei
- să promoveze dialogul cu societatea civilă, astfel încât să sensibilizeze opinia publică cu privire la drepturile fundamentale.
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Drepturi fundamentale: provocări şi realizări în 2012=Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2012. - Luxemburg, 2013. - 322 p.
Pe fundalul creșterii șomajului și inegalitatii legate de acesta din urma, Raportul anual al Agenţiei pentru Drepturi Fundamentale examinează îndeaproape situația uni grup extrem de vulnerabil, cum ar fi copiii, reducerile bugetare au un puternic impact asupra serviciilor de educație, asistenței medicale și sociale, care sunt de o importanta primordiala pentru ei
- Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2012 Descarcati eng
- Droits fondamentaux : développements juridiques et politiques clés en 2012 Descarcati fr
Fundamental rights: key legal and policy developments in 2012 =Les droits fondamentaux : défis et réussites en 2012
The summary covers the following topics: asylum, immigration and
integration; border control and visa policy; information society and
data protection; the rights of the child and protection of children;
equality and non-discrimination; racism and ethnic discrimination;
participation of EU citizens in the Union’s democratic functioning;
access to effi cient and independent justice; and rights of crime
Drepturi fundamentale: provocări şi realizări în 2011=Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2012. - Luxemburg, 2012. - 253 p.
In 2011, the EU adopted key legislative and policy measures in, for
example, the areas of victim protection, human trafficking and the
integration of Roma, and, for the first time, was itself directly bound
to an international human rights treaty - the United Nations Convention
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Various EU Member States,
among other steps, reformed their child protection systems and made
efforts to combat violence against women and shorten the length of court
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This publication was originally published in 2012 as part of the FRA Annual Report: Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2011.
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This report provides an EU-wide comparative analysis of the
effectiveness of access to justice, across the EU Member States.
Launched on 23 March at the conference "Protecting victims in the EU:
the road ahead" hosted in Budapest by the Hungarian Presidency of the
Council of the EU with the support of the FRA, the report emphasises
obstacles making it difficult for victims to enforce their rights.
Vezi de asemenea - Accesul la justiţie în cazurile de discriminare din UE – Paşi către mai multă egalitate=Access to justice in cases of discrimination in the EU – Steps to further equality. - 2012. - 67 p.
Making hate crime visible in the European Union: acknowledging victims' rights. - 2012. - 53 p.
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Discrimination and intolerance persist in the European Union (EU)
despite the best efforts of Member States to root them out, FRA research
shows. Verbal abuse, physical attacks and murders motivated by
prejudice target EU society in all its diversity, from visible
minorities to those with disabilities. This FRA report is designed to
help the EU and its Member States to tackle these fundamental rights
violations both by making them more visible and bringing perpetrators to
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National Human Rights Institutions in the EU Member States (Strengthening the fundamental rights architecture in the EU. .- 2010 . - 63 p.
Human rights are first and foremost to be addressed at the national
level. National human rights institutions (NHRIs) play an important role
in the human rights architecture at the national level. This report by
the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), is intended to
identify gaps and concerns in the fundamental rights architecture in the
European Union.
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Data Protection in the European Union: the role of National Data
Protection Authorities (Strengthening the fundamental rights
architecture in the EU II)= La protection des données à caractère personnel dans l’Union européenne : le rôle des autorités nationales chargées de la protection des données - Renforcement de l’architecture des droits fondamentaux au sein de l’UE II. - 2010. - 50 p.
The data protection study presents a comparative overview and analysis
of the national data protection authorities. This comparative report was
developed on the basis of the 27 national studies produced by the FRALEX research network of legal experts. In the section on rights awareness, results from the Eurobarometer and
other studies/surveys carried out in the Member States are presented to
provide an overview of rights awareness among the public with regard to
data protection.
342.7 / D-29 IV-62489
Découvrir le passé pour façonner l'avenir : Le rôle des musées et sites historiques de l'Union européenne dans l'enseignement relatif à l'Holocauste et à l'éducation aux droits de l'homme / ed. : Agence des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne . ─ Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 2011. - 108 p.
342.7 / D-29 IV-62489
Découvrir le passé pour façonner l'avenir : Le rôle des musées et sites historiques de l'Union européenne dans l'enseignement relatif à l'Holocauste et à l'éducation aux droits de l'homme / ed. : Agence des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne . ─ Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 2011. - 108 p.
Disponibil :
Vezi de asemenea varianta în engleză :
Excursion to the past - teaching for the future: handbook for teachers=Excursion vers le passé – leçons pour l’avenir : Manuel pour enseignants. - 2010. - 52p.
The handbook emphasises the link between teaching about the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes, and teaching about human rights and democracy.
What is the role of Holocaust-related sites in
today's societies? What do they off er to young people? What should be
considered by schools and teachers when planning a visit to such a site?
And how can teachers make best use of such visits for teaching about
the Holocaust and human rights?
This Handbook provides a number of examples, hints
and historical background information, which will help teachers and
students to make visits to Holocaust-related sites and exhibitions a
meaningful and enriching experience.
Disponibil :
Excursion vers le passé - leçons pour l'avenir : Manuel pour enseignants / ed. : FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Right . ─ Vienne : Fra, 2011. - 52 p.
Disponibil :
The impact of the Racial Equality Directive - Views of
trade unions and employers in the European Union (Strengthening the
fundamental rights architecture in the EU IV)=Impact de la directive sur l’égalité raciale. Le point de vue des syndicats et des employeurs de l’Union européenne. - 2012. - 28 p.
This report focuses on the views of Europe's employer organisations, trade unions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) concerning the application of the Racial Equality Directive (2000/43/EC) in practice, with a sole focus on the area of employment.
The Racial Equality Directive: application and challenges=La directive sur l’égalité raciale : application et défis. - 2012. - 28 p.
The Racial Equality Directive (2000/43/EC) is the key piece of EU legislation for combating discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin and for giving effect to the principle of equal treatment. The present report discusses the application of the directive through the laws and practices in the 27 EU Member States.
The Handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration = Manuel de droit européen en matière d'asile, de frontières et d'immigration. - 2013. - 253 p.
The handbook is jointly produced by the European Court of Human Rights and the FRA.
It examines the relevant law in the field of asylum, borders and
immigration stemming from both European systems: the European Union and
the Council of Europe. It provides an accessible guide to the various
European standards relevant to asylum, borders and immigration.
Manual de drept european privind nediscriminarea. - 2011. - 162 p.
Separated, asylum-seeking children in European Union Member States=Les enfants séparés demandeurs d’asile dans les États membres de l’Union européenne - 2011. - 83 p.
Migrants in an irregular situation: access to healthcare in 10 European Union Member States. - 2011. - 64 p.
Access to effective remedies: The asylum-seeker perspective Thematic Report/ European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. - 2011 — 41 p
Racism and ethnic discrimination in sport have increasingly become a
public issue in European sport over the past decades. This report
examines the occurrence and different forms of racism, ethnic
discrimination and exclusionary practices in sports, focusing on
different sports and levels of practice in the EU.
Housing discrimination against Roma in selected EU Member States - An analysis of EU-MIDIS data= Discriminarea romilor în privinţa locuinţelor în anumite state membre ale UE: O analiză a datelor EU-MIDIS. - 2010. - 26 p.
Situaţia cetăţenilor europeni de etnie romă care circulă şi se stabilesc în alte state membre ale UE Iniţiative pozitive selectate. - 2010. - 26 p.
Date în obiectiv Primul raport | Romii. - 2010. - 2009. - 16 p.
Varianta electronica -
Inequalities and multiple discrimination in access to and quality of healthcare. - 2013. - 114 p.
Involuntary placement and involuntary treatment of persons with mental health problems. - 2012. - 60 p.
This report, based on fieldwork in nine EU Member States, summarises the
experiences of involuntary placement and involuntary treatment of
persons with mental health problems.
Respect for and protection of persons belonging to minorities 2008-2010. - 2011. - 8 5p
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Human rights education at Holocaust memorial sites across the European Union: An overview of practices . - 2011. - 33 p.
This handbook examines the role of Holocaust memorial sites and museums,
drawing on findings from the FRA project 'Discover the past for the
future - A study on the role of historical sites and museums in
Holocaust education and human rights education in the EU'.
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This report focuses on the views of Europe's employer organisations, trade unions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) concerning the application of the Racial Equality Directive (2000/43/EC) in practice, with a sole focus on the area of employment.
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eng fr |
The Racial Equality Directive: application and challenges=La directive sur l’égalité raciale : application et défis. - 2012. - 28 p.
The Racial Equality Directive (2000/43/EC) is the key piece of EU legislation for combating discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin and for giving effect to the principle of equal treatment. The present report discusses the application of the directive through the laws and practices in the 27 EU Member States.

The handbook is the second joint publication of this kind following a
first handbook on non-discrimination issued in 2011. It is based on the
case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of
Justice as well as on the relevant EU regulations and directives. It is
also a first point of reference on the European Social Charter (ESC)
and other instruments of the Council of Europe.
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Dreptul european privind nediscriminarea, aşa cum a fost constituit prin directivele UE privind nediscri-minarea şi prin articolul 14 din Convenţia europeană pentru apărarea drepturilor omului şi a libertăţilor fundamentale şi prin Protocolul nr. 12 la respectiva convenţie (CEDO), interzice discriminarea într-o serie de contexte şi pentru o gamă largă de criterii.
Prezentul manual analizează dreptul european privind nediscriminarea rezultat din aceste două surse cu titlu de sisteme complementare, făcând referire la oricare dintre acestea în măsura în care se suprapun şi semnalând diferenţele, acolo unde există.Având în vedere volumul impresionant de jurisprudenţă al Curţii Europene a Drepturilor Omului şi al Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene în domeniul nediscriminării, ni s-a părut util să prezentăm în mod accesibil un manual cu CD-ROM pentru uzul profesioniştilor în drept din statele membre ale UE şi ale Consiliului Europei, precum şi din alte state, cum ar fi judecătorii, procurorii, avocaţii şi ofiţerii de poliţie
The report looks at the children's living conditions as well as legal
issues and procedures which concern them. The different findings
correspond to the various settings in which these children live, thereby
addressing the need to incorporate children's views and experiences
into work that seeks to inform policy action. The challenge for the EU
and its Member States is how to deal with this issue effectively, while
fully respecting fundamental rights and acting in the best interests of
each child.
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This report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
documents the legal, economic and practical obstacles that migrants in
an irregular situation face in accessing healthcare in 10 EU Member
States and proposes a number of ways to improve this access. The FRA
found in particular that the risk of detection and deportation prevents
migrants in an irregular situation from seeking healthcare, even in
those countries where it is legally available, and suggests, among other
improvements, disconnecting healthcare from immigration control
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Access to effective remedies: The asylum-seeker perspective Thematic Report/ European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. - 2011 — 41 p
on evidence from interviews with almost 900 asylum seekers, this report
presents asylum-seeker experiences in submitting an appeal against a
negative asylum decision. While documenting good practices, it also
highlights several obstacles which make it difficult for asylum
applicants to access effective remedies.
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The duty to inform applicants about asylum procedures: The asylum-seeker perspective. - 2011- 43 p
A fair asylum procedure is one where applicants know their rights and duties, and where they understand its different stages. The right to be informed at decisive moments of the procedure is an important element of procedural fairness. Drawing on evidence from interviews with almost 900 asylum seekers, this report examines the information that asylum seekers have on the asylum procedure. In particular, it looks at the main source of information for asylum seekers, which type of information they receive, and when and how they receive it.![]() |
Rasismul,discriminarea etnică şi excluziunea socială în sport=
Racism, ethnic discrimination and exclusion of migrants and minorities
in sport: the situation in the European Union. 2010 . - 11 p,
Housing discrimination against Roma in selected EU Member States - An analysis of EU-MIDIS data= Discriminarea romilor în privinţa locuinţelor în anumite state membre ale UE: O analiză a datelor EU-MIDIS. - 2010. - 26 p.
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eng rom |
Acest raport analizează experienţeleşi percepţiile romilor legate de rasism şi discriminare în ceea ce priveşte accesul la locuinţe din perspectiva datelor
furnizate de sondajul EU-MIDIS al FRA. Lucrarea examinează motivele pentru
care un număr mare de incidente de rasism şi discriminare împotriva romilor nu sunt raportateşi subliniază nivelul perceput de înţelegere în rândul comunităţ iirome a drepturilorşi căilor legale de atac care le stau la dispoziţie. Setul de date utilizat în raport este preluat din recentul Sondaj privind minorităţile şid iscriminarea în Uniunea Europeană
furnizate de sondajul EU-MIDIS al FRA. Lucrarea examinează motivele pentru
care un număr mare de incidente de rasism şi discriminare împotriva romilor nu sunt raportateşi subliniază nivelul perceput de înţelegere în rândul comunităţ iirome a drepturilorşi căilor legale de atac care le stau la dispoziţie. Setul de date utilizat în raport este preluat din recentul Sondaj privind minorităţile şid iscriminarea în Uniunea Europeană
Condiţiile de locuit ale romilor şi travellers din Uniunea Europeană - Raport comparativ=Housing conditions of Roma and Travellers in the European Union - Comparative report . - 2010. - 122 p
rom eng |
Elaborat pe baza mai multor surse de date şi informaţii de
pe întreg teritoriul UE referitoare la perioada 2000-2009,
prezentul raport arată clar că mulţi romi şi travellers din UE continuă să locuiască în
condiţii cu mult sub standardele
minime ale unei locuinţe adecvate, iar aceste condiţii de locuit sub standarde,
nesigure şi deseori segregate conduc la probleme majore cu care se confruntă romii
şi travellers în alte domenii ale vieţii, precum educaţia, încadrarea în
muncă şi asistenţa medicală.
De asemenea, în pofida faptului că directiva din
2000 a UE privind egalitatea rasială prevede protecţia romilor
şi travellers împotriva discriminării în privinţa locuinţelor, raportul
demonstrează că discriminarea directă sau indirectă a acestora în privinţa
locuinţelor rămâne un fenomen larg răspândit. În unele state membre, încă se mai produc evacuări forţate ale romilor şi
Situaţia cetăţenilor europeni de etnie romă care circulă şi se stabilesc în alte state membre ale UE Iniţiative pozitive selectate. - 2010. - 26 p.
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Studiul a identificat bune practici în special la nivel local si acolo unde
autoritatile locale s-au implicat în mod constructiv în problemele romilor si
travellers si/sau s-au implicat în problemele romilor din alte state membre UE.
travellers si/sau s-au implicat în problemele romilor din alte state membre UE.
Date în obiectiv Primul raport | Romii. - 2010. - 2009. - 16 p.
Varianta electronica -
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This research project aims to shed light on the experience of multiple
discrimination in healthcare. It looks at how ‘multiple’ discrimination
is legally addressed and examines relevant case law with a special focus
on healthcare. It also explores healthcare users’ and professionals’
views and experiences on how people of different gender, age, disability
and ethnic origin experience discrimination and multiple discrimination
when accessing the health system. It found respondents had experienced
unequal or unfair treatment in relation to access to and quality of
healthcare, discusses a number of barriers they face and points to
possible improvements

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The right to political participation of persons with mental health problems and persons with intellectual disabilities. - 2010. - 24 p.
The report sets out by recalling the international and European
standards favouring the full participation of persons with intellectual
disabilities and persons with mental health problems in the electoral
process. The comparative law analysis then highlights the diverse
approaches adopted in the EU Member States. In a majority of these,
persons who have lost their legal capacity are automatically deprived of
their right to political participation.
La protection juridique des personnes souffrant de troubles mentaux en vertu de la législation en matière de non-discrimination. - 2012. - 39 p.
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fr eng |
Le présent rapport est la seconde publication issue des résultats d’une
étude juridique effectuée par l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de
l’Union européenne (FRA) dans le cadre de son projet sur les droits
fondamentaux des personnes souffrant de troubles mentaux et des
personnes handicapées mentales.
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This report examines what the Treaty of Lisbon means for the protection
of minorities, and the policies the EU has recently adopted in this
field. It provides evidence of the still persistent phenomenon of
discrimination found in many areas of life, including employment,
housing, healthcare and education.
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