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e-publicatii: Drepturile fundamentale: provocări şi realizări în 2011

Drepturile fundamentale: provocări şi realizări în 2011=
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2011. - Luxemburg, 2012 . - 272 p.

Raportul anual emblematic al Agenţiei pentru Drepturi Fundamentale a Uniunii Europene (FRA) prezintă progresele înregistrate în 2010 de Uniunea Europeană (EU) şi de statele sale membre în sensul asigurării drepturilor garantate prin Carta drepturilor fundamentale, prin evoluţii la nivel de legislaţie, politici şi practici.


Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2010 IntroductionTitle and foreword (EN - FR, ), Table of contents (EN - FR) , Introduction (EN - FR,
FOCUS - Bringing rights to life: The fundamental rights landscape of the European UnionFOCUS - Bringing rights to life: The fundamental rights landscape of the European Union (EN - FR ,
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2011 Chapter 1 Chapter 1: Asylum, immigration and integration (EN - FR)
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2011 Chapter 2Chapter 2: Border control and visa policy (EN - FR)
 Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2011 Chapter 3Chapter 3: Information society and data protection (EN - FR)
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2011 Chapter 4 Chapter 4: The rights of the child and protection of children (EN - FR )
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2011 Chapter 5 Chapter 5: Equality and non-discrimination (EN - FR)
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2011 Chapter 6 Chapter 6: Racism and ethnic discrimination (EN - FR)
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2011 Chapter 7 Chapter 7: Participation of EU citizens in the Union's democratic functioning (EN - FR)
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2011 Chapter 8 Chapter 8: Access to efficient and independent justice (EN - FR)
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2011 Chapter 9 Chapter 9: Rights of crime victims (EN - FR)
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2011 Chapter 10 Chapter 10: EU Member States and international obligations (EN - FR, )

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