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Colecţii CoE: L.1.4. Democrație locală și regională: Studii

Colecția CoE (A-M)

L.1.4. Studii şi texte / Etudes et travaux / Studies and texts

(Publicaţiile pot fi consultate în Sala de lectură a Centrului Pro-european)

Roles and responsibilities of mayors and local councillors in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus / Council of Europe/European Union Eastern Partnership Programmatic Co-operation Framework (PCF) 2015-2017. – Council of Europe, 2016. – 131 p.- Rezumat (rom)

L.1.4/2014 MA Mapping the obstacles to inter-municipal cooperation in Eastern Partnership countries / Strengthening Institutional Frameworks for Local Governance 2015-2017; Рrogrammatic Cooperation Framework for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus.. - Strasbourg, 2015. - 132 p. - Rezumat (rom)

L.1.4/2015 OB Обзор факторов, препятствующих межмуниципальному сотрудничеству в странах Восточного Партнерства / Укрепление институциональных основ местного управления 2015-2017 гг.; Рrogrammatic Cooperation Framework for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus. - Страсбург, 2015. - 152 с.- Rezumat (rom).

Best Practice Programme for Local Governments / John Jackson, Cezary Trutkowski and Irfhan Mururajani; Council of Europe Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2015. – 98 p.

L.1.4/2012 LO  351 / L-85 III-129147
Local Government in Critical Times : Policies for Crisis, Recovery and a Sustainable Future : Council of Europe textes / ed. by Kenneth Davey ; Council of Europe. Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform . ─ Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2012. -152 p.

  Outil d’analyse pour l’évaluation du dégré d’autonomie des collectivités locales de premier niveau: Etude / Gérard Marcou; Comité européen sur la démocratie locale et régionale. - Strasbourg : Conseil de l’Europe, 2010. – 46 p.

Analytical tool for assessing the autonomy of first-tier local authorities: Study / Gérard Marcou; European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2011. – 26 p.

Report on the CDLR survey of the role of central/regionalgovernment in participatory budgeting at local level : Legal framework and current practice in member states / Rapp. Neza Vodusek; Annie Biefnot. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2011. – 30 p.

Les répercussions de la crise économique sur les collectivités locales en Europe: Qu’en est-il exactement et que peut-on faire?: Recueil de textes du Conseil de l’Europe / Kenneth Davey; Conference "Local Government: responses to recession across Europe", 11-12 October 2010, Strasbourg (France). - Strasbourg : Conseil de l’Europe, 2010. – 146 p.

The Impact of the Economic Downturn on Local Government in Europe: What Is Happening and What Can Be Done?: Collected texts from the Council of Europe / Kenneth Davey; Conference "Local Government: responses to recession across Europe", 11-12 October 2010, Strasbourg (France). - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2010. – 144 p.

Rapport sur les pratiques des etats membres en matiere de Financement des nouvelles competences des collectivites locales / Jorgen Lotz .- Strasbourg : Conseil de l’Europe, 2009. – 27 p. - (Démocratie locale et régionale).

Report on member states' practices for the funding of new competences for local authorities / Jorgen Lotz. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2009. – 27 p. - (Local and Regional Democracy).

Good Practice in the Relationship between Local/Regional Authoritiesand the Private Sector (“Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)”): Report / Marc Vanolst; European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR). - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2008. – 20 p. - (Local and Regional Democracy).

Les bonnes pratiques en matière de coopération intercommunale en Europe: Rapport / Clotilde Deffigier; Comité européen sur la démocratie locale et régionale (CDLR). - Strasbourg : Conseil de l’Europe, 2007. – 70 p. - (Démocratie locale et régionale).

Good practices in intermunicipal co-operation in Europe: Report / Clotilde Deffigier; European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR). - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2007. – 66 p. - (Local and Regional Democracy).
Audit interne aux niveau local et régional. - Strasbourg : Conseil de l’Europe, 2007. – 51 p. - (Démocratie locale et régionale).

Internal audit at local and regional level: Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2007. – 50 p. - (Local and Regional Democracy).

Les compétences des collectivités locales en Europe: Etude / Gérard Marcou; Comité européen sur la démocratie locale et régionale (CDLR). - Strasbourg : Conseil de l’Europe, 2007. – 155 p. - (Démocratie locale et régionale).

Local authority competences in Europe: Report / Gérard Marcou; European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR). - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2007. – 146 p. - (Local and Regional Democracy).

Les relations entre les autorités centrales et les collectivités locales: Rapport / Alba Nogueira López; Comité européen sur la démocratie locale et régionale (CDLR). - Strasbourg : Conseil de l’Europe, 2007. – 74 p. - (Démocratie locale et régionale).

The relationship between central and local authorities (2007): Report / Alba Nogueira López; European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR). - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2007. – 65 p. - (Local and Regional Democracy).

L.1.4/081 Déclarations adoptées lors des conférences européennes organisées par le CPLRE (our avec son concours) / Congres des Pouvoirs Locaux et Regionaux de l'Europe. – Strasbourg : Conseil de l’Europe, 2002. – 172 p. - 92‑871‑5035‑4. - (Etudes et travaux, n° 81).

L.1.4/081 Declarations adopted at European conferences organized by the CLRAE) or with its participation) / Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. – Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2002. – 126 p. - 92‑871‑5036‑2. – (Studies and texts, No. 81).

L.1.4/069 Competences and practices in European local and regional cultural policy / Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. – Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2000. – 66 p. - 92‑871‑4468‑0. – (Studies and texts, No. 69).

L.1.4/069 Politique culturelle locale et régionale en Europe / Congres des Pouvoirs Locaux et Regionaux de l'Europe. – Strasbourg : Conseil de l’Europe, 2000. – 76 p. - 92‑871‑4467‑2. - (Etudes et travaux, n° 69)

L.1.4/044 The division of responsibilities at national, regional and local levels in the education systems of twenty‑three European countries: proceedings / VAN HAECHT, A., Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. – Strasbourg: Council of Europe,1996. – 253 p. - 92‑871‑2873‑1

L.1.4/038 Gypsies in the locality: proceedings on the colloquy / Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. – Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1994. – 179 p. - 92‑871‑2605‑4. - (Studies and texts, no. 38).

L.1.4/037 The city's approach to the education of its multicultural population (migrants and minorities) : proceedings of the seminar / Conference Permanente des Pouvoirs Locaux et Regionaux de l'Europe. – Strasbourg: Conseil de l’Europe, 1995. – 170 p. - 92‑871‑2693‑3. - (Studies and texts, no. 37).

L.1.4/037 La ville face а l'éducation de sa population multiculturelle (migrants et minorités): actes du séminaire / Conference Permanente des Pouvoirs Locaux et Regionaux de l'Europe. – Strasbourg: Conseil de l’Europe, 1995. – 192 p. - 92‑871‑2692‑5. - (Etudes et travaux, n° 37).

L.1.4/036 Besoins en formation des élus: actes du Séminaire du Réseau européen des centres de formation du personnel des collectivités territoriales / Conference Permanente des Pouvoirs Locaux et Regionaux de l'Europe. – Strasbourg: Conseil de l’Europe, 1994. – 139 p. - 92‑871‑2531‑7. - (Etudes et travaux, n° 36).

L.1.4/031 Europe and its elderly people : the policies of towns and regions: a comparison: proceedings: working documents and conclusions / Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. – Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1994. – 207 p. - 92‑871‑2607‑0. - (Studies and texts, no. 31).

L.1.4/028 Achieving a balance between historic preservation and urban development : proceedings of the European Symposium of historic towns : working documents and conclusions / Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. – Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1994. – 176 p. - 92‑871‑2398‑5. - (Studies and texts, no. 28).

L.1.4/025 Europe 1990‑2000 : multiculturalism in the city: the integration of immigrants: working documents and Frankfurt Declaration towards a new municipal policy for multicultural integration in Europe / Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. – Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1992. – 182 p. - 92‑871‑2109‑5. – (Studies and texts, no. 25).

L.1.4/025 Europe 1990‑2000 : multiculture dans la cité : l'intégration des immigrés : documents de travail et Déclaration de Francfort pour une nouvelle politique communale d'intégration multiculturelle en Europe / Conference Permanente des Pouvoirs Locaux et Regionaux de l'Europe. – Strasbourg: Conseil de l’Europe, 1992. – 180 p. - 92‑871‑2108‑7. - (Etudes et travaux, n° 25).

L.1.4/023 Schulischer Austausch: die Rolle der Kommunal‑ und Regionalbehцrden / Savage, R., Standige Konferenz der Gemeinden und Regionen Europas. – Strasbourg: Conseil de l’Europe, 1992. – 31 p. - 92‑871‑2076‑5. - (Studien und Berichte, Nr. 23).

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