and health in the European Union / ed. : Bernd Rechel, Philipa
Mladovsky, Walter Devillé, ...[et al.]; International Organization for
Migration ; ...[et al.] . ─ Maidenhead : Open University Press, 2011. - XX, 257
p. - (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies Series).. - Bibliogr.
Bibliogr. la sf. art. ISBN:
increasing diversity of populations in Europe,
including a growing proportion of migrants, creates new challenges for health
systems, which have to adapt in order to remain responsive.
This book
explores the overall context of migration and health in the European Union,
addresses the rights of migrants to health and looks at problems in their
access to health services, explores the challenges and opportunities in
monitoring migrant health, reviews the health issues faced by migrants in
Europe, discusses the policy response so far and the need for culturally
responsive health services, provides examples of best practice, and looks at
the policy implications of the findings presented.
It will be
of value to researchers, policy-makers and practitioners keen to understand
what can be done at the European, national and regional levels to improve
migrant health in Europe.
Opening the
Door? : Immigration and Integration in the European Union / Vít Novotný . ─ Brussels : Centre for
European Studies, 2012. - 526 p. :
tab.. - Bibliogr.
Bibliogr. : p. 525-526ISBN:
Migration into the EU and the integration of immigrants are matters that will be decisive for the future of Europe. The Centre for European Studies (CES), the political foundation of the EPP, and its Member Foundations, have therefore created this in-depth study of immigration and integration policies in countries across the EU.
This book, the first produced by a European political foundation in cooperation with its member organisations, covers thirteen EU countries and one region, as well as the EU itself. It suggests expanding legal avenues for migration so as to meet labour and skill shortages in the EU. Recognising that illegal immigration undermines the rule of law, the Member States and the EU should continue to exchange information and examples of good practice in tackling illegal immigration. The EU should also improve its integration policies, working with Member States to increase the employment rate of legal immigrants and to encourage their civic and political participation.
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338.12/ F-94 III-121109 |
From Reformto Growth: Managing the Economic Crisis in Europe / Editor : Vít
Novotný . ─ Delft : Centre for European Studies, 2013. - 543 p.. - Bibliogr. Bibliogr. : p. 533-535 ISBN: 978-90-5972-751-9
The global economic crisis that began in 2007 has posed huge challenges
for European citizens and governments. The crisis has shown that the
financial sector has not been adequately regulated and supervised, that
governments and individuals have overspent, and that European economies
are suffering from structural problems.
This book, a collaboration between the Centre for European Studies and its member foundations, assesses government responses to the crisis at the national, EU and regional levels, and also offers policy recommendations. Governments should work with one another and with EU institutions to improve bank supervision and regulatory mechanisms. They should undertake fiscal consolidation measures, bearing in mind that government deficits and debt incur costs that burden future generations.
Finally, they should undertake structural reforms such as creating flexible labour markets, increasing the retirement age and shaping efficient public institutions. Implementing such measures would bring about lasting economic growth, contribute to job creation and set Europe on the path to prosperity.
This book, a collaboration between the Centre for European Studies and its member foundations, assesses government responses to the crisis at the national, EU and regional levels, and also offers policy recommendations. Governments should work with one another and with EU institutions to improve bank supervision and regulatory mechanisms. They should undertake fiscal consolidation measures, bearing in mind that government deficits and debt incur costs that burden future generations.
Finally, they should undertake structural reforms such as creating flexible labour markets, increasing the retirement age and shaping efficient public institutions. Implementing such measures would bring about lasting economic growth, contribute to job creation and set Europe on the path to prosperity.
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341.24(4) I-1251523 |
Fundamentul juridic al Uniunii Europene este reprezentat de două tratate: Tratatul privind Uniunea Europeană şi Tratatul privind funcţionarea Uniunii Europene. Denumirea mult mai cunoscută, „Tratatul de la Lisabona” reprezintă, din punct de vedere juridic, un „tratat de modificare” a instrumentelor juridice anterioare – un compromis între necesitatea unei reforme, pe de o parte, şi nevoia de a păstra simbolistica şi nivelul declarativ al ambiţiilor la un nivel cât mai scăzut.
Lucrarea urmareste nu doar comentarea textului tratatelor constitutive ale Uniunii Europene, care prezinta caracter amplu si complex, ci si prezentarea elementelor de noutate introduse prin Tratatul de la Lisabona, intrat in vigoare la 1 decembrie 2009. Sunt astfel evidentiate cele mai importante modificari care au fost aduse arhitecturii Uniunii Europene. Lucrarea se adreseaza in special juristilor – practicieni sau studenti, care pot identifica cu rapiditate conexiunea intre textul tratatelor si elementele de noutate sau referirile jurisprudentiale, dar si oricarei persoane interesate de teme de actualitate din domeniul integrarii europene.
Lucrarea urmareste nu doar comentarea textului tratatelor constitutive ale Uniunii Europene, care prezinta caracter amplu si complex, ci si prezentarea elementelor de noutate introduse prin Tratatul de la Lisabona, intrat in vigoare la 1 decembrie 2009. Sunt astfel evidentiate cele mai importante modificari care au fost aduse arhitecturii Uniunii Europene. Lucrarea se adreseaza in special juristilor – practicieni sau studenti, care pot identifica cu rapiditate conexiunea intre textul tratatelor si elementele de noutate sau referirile jurisprudentiale, dar si oricarei persoane interesate de teme de actualitate din domeniul integrarii europene.
Cuprins Tratatele Uniunii Europene. Comentarii si explicatii
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