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Politici europene în domeniul protectiei mediului

Uniunea Europeană

Obiectivul de bază al politicii de mediu a UE este acela de a consolida capitalul natural, de a promova o economie care utilizează resursele în mod eficient și de a proteja sănătatea populaţiei. O strategie de mediu coordonată la nivelul UE creează sinergii şi asigură coerența între politicile UE și, dată fiind relevanța legislației de mediu pentru mai multe sectoare de activitate, va garanta aplicarea unor condiții echitabile în desfăşurarea activităților acestora

 Resurse web

Norme de drept

Poluarea atmosferică
Produse chimice
Schimbări climatice
Mediu şi sănătate
Folosirea terenurilor
Resurse naturale
Deşeurile şi resursele materiale
Diverse alte chestiuni


Sinteze ale legislatiei UE 
Lupta împotriva schimbărilor climatice Dispoziţii generale Dezvoltare durabilă Deşeurile biologice Poluarea aerului Protecţia şi gestionarea apei Protecţia naturii şi a biodiversităţii Protecţia solului Protecţia civilă Poluarea fonică Mediu: cooperarea cu ţările terţe

Legislatie în vigoare (Dată de referinţă 1.11.2013)

15.10.10 Dispoziţii generale şi programe
15.10.20 Poluare şi daune
15.10.30 Spaţiu, mediu şi resurse naturale
15.10.40 Cooperare internaţională

Sourcebook on EU Environmental Law/ Institute for European Environmental Policy. - 2010. - 399 p.

Approximation of European Union Environmental Legislation Case studies of Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia. - 1996

European Environmental Law Network


Mediu .Un mediu sănătos și durabil pentru generațiile viitoare. - Luxemburg, 2013. - 15 p.- (Să înțelegem politicile Uniunii Europene)

Mediul pentru europeni /Revista a DG Mediu. 2007-2013

Politica de mediu/ IER, STĂNESCU Rodica. - Buc., 2012 . - 27p.. - (Ghidul politicilor UE) 

Petrescu –Mag R. Protecția mediului în contextul dezvoltării durabile. Legislație și instituții Clug-Napoca. 2011. – 363 p.  


Legislatia si Politicile in domeniul Protectiei Mediului. . - Ch., 2010. - 379 p.=Environmental Protection Law and Policy - Law Approximation to EU Standards in the Republic of Moldova/ Breda Howards , Ludmila Gofman - Ch., 2013. - 364 p.(Armonizarea cu Standardele UE in Republica Moldova)

Willems S., Busuioc C., Moldova Country report /Analysis for European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Countries and the Russian Federation on social and economic benefits of enhanced environmental protection.  - 2011.- 152 p.

  • Recommendation 2012 - 1 of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents on ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction, adopted at the 62nd meeting of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents of the EUR-OPA Agreement, Strasbourg, France, 26-27 April 2012 EN | FR
  • Recommendation 2011 - 1 of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents on information to the public on radiation risks, adopted at the 61st meeting of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents of the EUR-OPA Agreement, Yerevan, Armenia, 29-30 September 2011 EN | FR
  • Recommendation 2011 - 2 of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents on preventing and fighting wildland fires in a context of climate change, adopted at the 61st meeting of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents of the EUR-OPA Agreement, Yerevan, Armenia, 29-30 September 2011 EN | FR
  • Recommendation 2010 - 1 of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents on reducing vulnerability in the face of climate change, adopted at the 12th Ministerial Session of the EUR-OPA Agreement, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 28 September 2010 EN | FR | RU

  • Resolution 2011 – 1 of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents on Ethical Principles relating to Disaster Risk Reduction and contributing to People’s Resilience to Disasters, adopted at the 60th Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents, Strasbourg, France, 15 April 2011  EN | FR
  • Resolution 2010 – 1 of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents “Working together in Europe and the Mediterranean for the Prevention of Disasters, Preparedness and Response: Priorities for Action”, adopted at the 12th Ministerial Session of the European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA), Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 28 September 2010  EN | FR | RU 
  • Resolution 2010 – 2 of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents on ethical values and resilience to disasters, adopted at the 12th Ministerial Session of the European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA), Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 28 September 2010  EN | FR | RU
Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (Bern Convention)

Ecological Networks and Emerald Network 

European Diploma of Protected Areas 
The Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy

The European Landscape Convention 

Council of Europe Conference of Ministers Responsible for Spatial/Regional Planning (CEMAT) 


(Publicaţiile pot fi consultate online şi/sau în Sala de lectură a Centrului Pro-european)
Manual on human rights and environment. - Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 2012. - 196 p.

Manuel sur les droits de l’homme et l’environnement – Principes tirés de la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme. - Conseil de l' Europe, 2012. - 341 p.
Environment-related cases in the Court's case law: factsheet / Press Unit of the European Court of Human Rights. - Strasbourg, December 2012. - 7 p. 
E.6/2002 HU Human rights and the environment: Compendium of instruments and other international texts on individual and collective rights relating to the environment in the international and European framework / Dejeant-Pons, Maguelonne; Pallemaerts, Marc. - Council of Europe, 2002. - 326 p. - 92-871-4777-9.

E.6/2002 DR Droits de l'homme et environnement / Recueil d'instruments et autres textes internationaux concernant les droits individuels et collectifs en matière d'environnement dans le cadre international et européen / Dejeant-Pons, Maguelonne; Pallemaerts, Marc. - Conseil de l' Europe, 2002. - 341 p. - 92-871-4776-0.

Ecosystem Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction: Basic concepts and recommendations to governments, with a special focus on Europe /Sudmeier-Rieu, Karen; European and mediterranean major hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA). - Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2013. - 62 p.
Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Europe: a review of risk governance / Council of Europe;  European and mediterranean major hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA). - S.l., 2011. - 93 p. 

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