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327 / C-73 IV-57545
Vectorului European într-un Nou Context de Securitate Regională
: Studii de Caz / Editat de Natalia Stercul şi Victoria Bucătaru; Asociaţia
pentru Politica Externă din Moldova . ─ Chișinău : MS Logo, 2017. - 56 p.
Cuprins (eng)
- Analysis of Communication Strategies for Ukraine on Association Agreement and DCFTA / Olena Betlii
- Communicating European vector in the context of new developments in Moldova’s domestic and foreign policy / Victoria Bucataru
- Czech Communication of European Affairs: From a Persuasive to an Explanatory Approach / Vít Dostál Communicating EU in Slovakia during the pre-accession period / Samuel Goda
- Communicating Europe in Georgia during the AA and DCFTA Implementation Process / Nino Kheladze, Mariam Paposhvili
- Communicating the European Union in Poland Communication strategies before and after accession to the European Union – Polish perspective/ Marek Marszalek
- Communicating the European Union in Hungary,Experiences from the pre- and post-accession periods
327.7(4) /
E-90 II-712009
EU - A
Space of Opportunities and Challenges, raund table (2017; Chișinău)
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Round Table
Proceedings "EU - A Space of Opportunities and Challenges", 28 April
2017 [Text tipărit] / scientific committee : Boris Chistruga [et al.] ; org.
committee : Rodica Crudu [et al.] . ─ Chişinău : [s. n.] , 2017. - 174 p. :
il., tab., scheme.
Antetitlu :
Jean Monnet Publication. Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei ; Co-funded by
the Erasmus+Programme of the European Union. - Bibliogr.
la sf. art.
- The role of EU in Transnistrian conflict resolution through the prism of its neighborhood Policy/ Aurelian LAVRIC
- Paradisuri fiscale și combaterea concurenței neloiale în UE/ Natalia LOBANOV
- The impact of EU funds on national economies/ Mircea DIAVOR
- Promovarea politicilor de ocupare a forței de muncă tinere în spațiul de oportunități al UE/Corina CĂUȘAN, Liuba DOROFEEVA
- The influence of international economic migration upon the economy of the Republic of Moldova/Augustin IGNATOV, Rodica CRUDU
- The role of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement in the development of the national economy of the Republic of Moldova/ Svetlana COVAS, Maria CHIȘCĂ
- European Union after Brexit: possible consequences for the Republic of Moldova/ Catalina PLATON, Rodica CRUDU
- Employee motivation and its role in international, European and national business Competitiveness / Nicoleta TOFAN, Larisa DODU-GUGEA
- Relațiile comerciale ale Republicii Moldova cuUniunea Europeană: realizări și perspective/Valeria GARABAGIU, Rodica CRUDU
- Particularitățile fluxurilor migraționiste înstatele UE Veronica MIRZINCU, Rodica CRUDU
- Culisele Zonei Euro în contextul actual al Uniunii Monetare EuropeneLivia ȚÎBÎRNĂ, Marina POPA
- Women’s Economic Empowerment within European Union/ Diana PERJU, Irina USATÎI, Maria CHIȘCĂ
- Oportunitățile studentilor moldoveni de a studia în străinatate prin prisma programelor europene de mobilitate academică Gheorghe VULPE, Marina POPA
621.3 / C - 73 III-129151
COMĂNESCU, Mihaela. Politici energetice europene / Mihaela Comănescu; Red. : Mircea Şerb . ─ Bucureşti : Editura Economică, 2000. - 303 p.
Bibliogr. select. : p. 287-303
ISBN: 973-590-361-X
339.9 III-129189
The US and
the EU : Economic Relations in a World of Transition / ed. by
Norman Levine . ─ Lanham : University Press of America, 1996. - XXII, 326 p. :
24 cm.
This anthology provides an overview of the most important events which
defined the relationship between the United States and the European
Union during 1989-1996. It is a study of the US and the EU during the
first seven years of post-communism, beginning with the break-up of the
Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe, and demonstrates how the transatlantic
partners reconceptualized their relationship after the collapse of
Contents: Acknowledgments, Norman Levine; Preface, Norman
PART ONE: The Geo-Political Framework; Transatlantic Relations
in the Global Arena, Olufemi Babarinde; The U.S. Relationship with the
E.U. and the hanging Europe, Stuart E. Eizenstat; EU-US: A European
Parliament View of Future Economic Relations, Alan Donnelly; Europe in
the Post-Masstricht Era: Implications for the U.S., Eckart Guth;
Decisions for Europe: Fragile State of the Union, A Union of Fragile
States, Simon Serfaty;
PART TWO: The Single Currency; Towards Monetary
Union in the European Union, Joly Dixon; Germany in the European Union,
Carl Lankowski; Germany's Position on EMU;
Institutionalization of Trade; Transatlantic Business Relations, Monique
Juliene; Strategic Alliances for Business, John Russell; The GATT
Agreement: Impact on EU-US Trade, Ulrike Braun; Support for Reforming
and Restructuring the Economics of Central Europe by International
Organizations, Ullrich Kiermayr; PART FOUR: Social Policy; The EU White
Paper on Growth, Competitiveness, and Employment, Ivor L. Roberts;
Working-Time Policy in Europe, Reiner Hoffman and Giuseppe Fajertag;
European Works Councils: A Step Towards Social Dialogue, Willy Bushcak;
Appendix; List of Contributors. Co-published with the Institute for
International Policy Press
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