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Adopţia internaţională a copiilor: Perspective europene

Listă selectivă de documente şi publicaţii


Challenges in adoption procedures in Europe - ensuring the best interests of the child : Joint council of Europe and European Commission conference, 30 November - 1 December 2009, Strasbourg, Palais de l’Europe. - Strasbourg, S.a.. - 304 p.

This publications includes texts and conference proceedings in English and French. 

Uniunea Europeană

Copii -Adopţie  =Adoptions in the EU - European Commission

Dacă doriţi să adoptaţi un copil dintr-o altă ţară a UE, este bine să ştiţi că normele aplicabile nu sunt aceleaşi (fiecare ţară aplică propriile reguli).

De aceea, vă recomandăm să consultaţi autorităţile din ţara respectivă pentru a afla care sunt procedurile şi criteriile de adopţie.

Există, totuşi, o serie de principii comune, stabilite prin convenţiile internaţionale în materie de adopţii. În special, trebuie să vă asiguraţi că:
  • adopţia este pronunţată de către o instanţă judecătorească sau o autoritate administrativă
  • părinţii biologici ai copilului îşi dau liberul consimţământ (dacă aceştia sunt în viaţă)
  • decizia de adopţie respectă interesul superior al copilului.

În majoritatea ţărilor (dar nu în toate), copilul va putea prelua numele şi naţionalitatea părinţilor adoptivi şi va avea aceleaşi drepturi de moştenire ca şi un copil biologic.


filtrarea dupa cuvinte cheie Eurovoc

Copil adoptat=adopted child,
Adopția internațională = international adoption
International adoption in the European Union : Study / European Parliament, DG  general for internal policies Policy department . – 245 p http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2009/419603/IPOL-LIBE_ET(2009)419603_EN.pdf
Ruzik A. Adoptions in the European Union : Research Note /Centre for Social and Economic Research (CASE) . -  Warsaw, 2008 . - 22 p. Bartholet E. “International Adoption, chapter in "CHILDREN AND YOUTH IN ADOPTION, ORPHANAGES, AND FOSTER CARE", edited by Lori Askeland. . - 25 p  www.law.harvard.edu/faculty/bartholet/pdfs/IAChapter5FINAL.pdf   

  Contacte nationale      
  • FINAL REPORT LEGAL ANALYSIS: Comparative study relating to procedures for adoption among the member states of the European Union, practical difficulties encountered in this field by european citizens within the context of the european pillar of justice and civil matters and means ofsolving these problems and of protecting children’s rightsjls /2007/ / Brulard Y,  Dumont L.  ec.europa.eu/civiljustice/news/.../study_adoption_legal_analysis_en.pdf

  •  National experiences on the management of the demand for intercountry adoption. - Firense, 2012. - 113 p.
  •  Selman P. The Impact of Intercountry Adoption on the well-being of children in Europe (PPT - 22 slides)  www.ciimu.org/webs/wellchi/...3/selman.pdf
  •   Denechere Y., Scutaru B..  International adoption of Romanian children and Romania’s admission to the European Union(1990-2007) //EASTERN JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN STUDIES Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2010     www.ejes.uaic.ro/.../EJES2010_0101_DEN.pdf
  •   Inter-country adoption: the European union, Romania and the International community. – 2002  137 p. www.adoptionpolicy.org/pdf/romaniahistory.pdf


Convenţii şi documente oficiale:

European Convention on the Adoption of Children (Revised) and Explanatory Report - Strasbourg, 27.XI.2008. - (CETS Nr. 202). 
Convenţia europeană în materia adopţiei de copii (Strasbourg, 24 aprilie 1967) = European Convention on the Adoption of Children and Explanatory Report. - Strasbourg, 24.IV.1967. - (CETS Nr. 058).
Intercountry adoption: ensuring that the best interests of the child are upheld: Resolution 1909 (2012)  / Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Children without parental care: urgent need for action: Resolution 1762 (2010) / Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. 
International adoption: respecting children’s rights: Recommendation 1443 (2000) / Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. 
Disappearance of newborn babies for illegal adoption in Europe: Recommendation 1828 (2008) / Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. 
Publicaţii şi documente: 
RUPPRECHT Marlene. Intercountry adoption: ensuring that the best interests of the child are upheld: Report: Doc. 13059. / Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. - 19 October 2012.
Adoption and children: A Human Rights perspective: Issue Paper commissioned and published by Thomas Hammarberg, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights. - Strasbourg, 2011. - 23 p.

Усыновление и дети в контексте защиты прав человека: Тематический доклад, подготовленный по поручению и опубликованный Томасом Хаммарбергом, Комиссаром Совета Европы по правам человека. - Страсбург,  2011. - 28 c. 

Adoption – Law and practice under the Revised European Convention on the Adoption of Children  / G.Shannon, R.Horgan, G.Keehan, C.Daly. - Strasbourg, 2013. - 143 p.

Towards a European adoption procedure: Fact sheet 10. /Council of Europe. - Strasbourg. - 2009. - 3 p. 

Council of Europe achievements in the field of family law / Secretariat of the Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs (DG-HL). - Strasbourg, 2008. - 460 p.

HORGAN Rosemary. The European Convention on Adoption 2008: Progressing the Children's Rights Polemic. - Strasbourg, 2008. - 8 p.

SLOAN Brian. Challenges in adoption procedures in Europe: Ensuring the best interests of the child / Joint Council of Europe and European Commission Conference (Strasbourg, 30 November - December 2009). - 8 pag.

National adoption – A new Council of Europe Convention on Adoption : International co-operation: European and International standards in the field of adoption / Council of Europe. - 2006. - 5 p.

Adoption: Case-law of ECHR. - Strasbourg, 2008. - 2 p.

Parental Rights: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. - Strasbourg, June 2014. - 17 p. 

Alte documente internaţionale şi naţionale:

The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operationin Respect of Intercountry Adoption of 29 May 2003

Legea Republicii Moldova privind regimul juridic al adopţiei: Nr. 99 din 28 mai 2010.

UNGUREAN Ivan. Reglementări internaţionale privind adopţia // Revista moldovenească de drept internaţional şi relaţii internaţionale. - Chişinău, 2011
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