(Actualizat 2011)
UNIUNEA EUROPEANA- Declaratia Parlamentului European privind proclamarea zilei de 23 august drept Ziua europeana a comemorarii victimelor stalinismului si nazismului // Jurnalul Oficial C 008 E , 14/01/2010 p. 0057 – 0059
- The memory of the crimes committed by totalitarian regimes in Europe: REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND TO THE COUNCIL Brussels, 22.12.2010 COM(2010) 783 final
- Study on how the memory of crimes committed by totalitarian regimesin Europe is dealt with in the Member States/ Submitted by Prof. Dr. Carlos Closa Montero/ Institute for Public Goods and Policy Centre of Human and Social Sciences CSICMadrid.- January 2010.- 480p.
- Declaratia de la Varsovia (23.08.2011)
Adunarea Parlamentara a Consiliului Europei : Recomandari si rezolutii
- PACE Resolution 1652 (2009) Attitude to memorials exposed to different historical interpretations in Council of Europe member states
- PACE Recommendation 1859 (2009)Attitude to memorials exposed to different historical interpretations in Council of Europe member states
- PACE RES 1652 (2009) (29/01/2009) Attitude a l’egard des monuments commemoratifs faisant l’objet de differentes interpretations historiques dans les Etats membres du Conseil de l’Europe
- PACE Rezolutia 1481 (2006) Necesitatea unei condamnari internationale a crimelor regimurilor comuniste totalitare
- PACE RES 1481 (2006) (25/01/2006) Necessite d’une condamnation internationale des crimes des regimes communistes totalitaires : Resolution
- PACE RES 1481 (2006) Need for international condemnation of crimes of totalitarian communist regimes
- PACE Resolution 1495 (2006).Combattre la resurgence de l'ideologie nazie
- PACE Resolution 1495 (2006) Combating the resurrection of nazi ideology
- PACE Resolution 1522 (2006) Establishment of a European remembrance centre for victims of forced population movements and ethnic cleansing
- PACE RES 1096 (1996) (28/06/1996) Mesures de demantelement de l'heritage des anciens regimes totalitaires communistes : Resolution
Adunarea Parlamentara a Consiliului Europei : Rapoarte si d ocumente de lucru
- PACE Doc. 10925rev. 2 (3 October 2006) Establishment of a European remembrance centre for victims of forced population movements and ethnic cleansing: Report / Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population; Rapporteur: Mr Mats Einarsson, Sweden, Group of the Unified European Left
- PACE Doc. 10925rev. 2 (3 October 2006) Creation d'un centre europeen en memoire des victimes des deplacements forces de populations et du nettoyage ethnique
- Electornic version:
- PACE Doc. 11833 (04/02/2009) L’evaluation du Pacte Molotov-Ribbentropp a l’approche de son 70e anniversaire : Proposition de resolution Mr Emanuelis ZINGERIS (Lituanie)
- PACE Doc. 7358 (12/07/1995) Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact: Motion for a Resolution
- Mr Adrian PAUNESCU (Roumanie)
- PACE Doc. 12025 (17/09/2009) La Seconde Guerre mondiale et la denonciation des crimes totalitaires : Declaration ecrite plusieurs Membres de l'Assemblee Mr Andres HERKEL (Estonie)
Rezolutia: „Reunificarea Europei divizate: promovarea Drepturilor Omului si Libertatilor Civile in regiunea OSCE in secolul XXI”. (Vilnius, 2009)
Link-uri utile
The European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism
Европейский день памяти жертв сталинизма и нацизма
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